Here is my post on godaddy hosting and why to consider them, the top 10 reasons are below. First why did I decide to even concentrate on this company at all? Mainly because of all of the marketing hype around them butabove all because of the many accomplishments they have made in the domain registrar arena. With Go Daddy hosting you’ll get the following features in this list.

Top 10 Factors to Use GoDaddy Hosting:
1. accounts with 500 email addresses, or even more ; chances are you will not need that many or even close, but 500 is sufficient for most small businesses. Not only will you want to provide an email address for everyone in the company but it is not uncommon to have generic addresses also such as,, and others;
2. 25 MySQL databases with 1 GB each, or even more ; why would you want this? If you install a CMS (content management system) such as WordPress it will use 1 database, therefore you could install 25 wordpress websites if you so desired;
4. auto-install your favorite apps; which means you can install systems like WordPress with the push of a button from your control center. That may sound obvious but let me tell you it is a time saver as I used to install WordPress by having to FTP into a hosting account, create a database, upload files, manually edit configuration files on the server and hope that the scripts would then install the system for me. Those days have ended with Go Daddy.
5. daily backup; this is key to keeping your site up and running and not losing your work. Imagine if your site was destroyed, just gone, and you could not get it back . With their daily backups they wil always have a copy of your site in case you or someone else did something to destroy your website. This is piece of mind.
6. hosted across multiple servers; what this means is your website is on more than one computer. When you get a hosting account you are essentially renting a slice of a computer, a piece of it. Others are also on the same computer. It is possible that if your website is only on one computer (as other companies do) and your neighbors on the same computer do something to crash the computer, then your website will crash also. With GoDaddy hosting they make copies of your website onto multiple computers so if there is an issue with one computer your site will not likely crash as it is already on other computers. Replicating your site across multiple computers for you is an incredible feature for them to offer, in the past you’d probably of had to do it yourself with hardware and it was time consuming as well as expensive.
8. security; if you’re like me you have no idea the best way to keep people out of your website and from doing harm. Luckily they protect you from problems such as Dos (denial of service) and other malicious attacks, don’t worry if you have no idea what it means just know that it’s good
9. malware scanning; you don’t want someone to upload bad software to your website or others may download it and your site can loose credibility as well as have problems with search engines.
10. price; surprisingly the prices which include the above are well below $10 a month, many times in the $5 range and you can use a of the discount promo code to acquire it even cheaper.
So there you have it. My top 10 list of why you may want to givegodaddy hosting a chance. I could go into more detail but you will find from their site many other positive features that I did not even cover.